Sunday, June 19, 2011

The BIG Sono...

We're having a ....

(I apologize for my fast moving video... I was trying to catch reactions quickly.)

We had a 'gender' (sex) reveal shindig for our closest friends and family.
Uncle Mikey did the honors of cutting the cake.
(David and I already knew what it was... I just wanted us to find out and have our own moment first and then reveal it)

It was such fun and I'm so glad we shared it with everyone in this way!
Only wish I had known of these parties when I had Kenzie, 
but the first time I ever heard of one was when I saw Heather's on her BLOG.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer is here.

With temps soaring to 100 degrees daily.
We're spending a lot of the time in the water.
Multiple times a day.

Our new little pool is my sanity.
She LOVES it & I get to relax.
Win Win.

I also spent this weekend hanging around & in the pool 
with a good friend who's headed to England to study for a few months.

Not only will bunches of friends miss her...
Her pooch is going to be very sad without her.

She'll be missed by this little one too. 
Her adorable niece.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pool Day.

Went with Oma to have lunch and some time at the pool with Aunt Lala.
It was an eventful morning, but once we got out of the driveway it was a lovely afternoon.
I have many favorites to share...

Being 3 is rough. You should take some time to relax.

She occasionally will go under in the bath... 
and she thought about it here, but it never actually happened.

Racing Lala. With Oma's help of course.

Oh she makes me giggle and my heart melts.

Monday, June 6, 2011

At a Distance

An evening tricycle ride with her Daddy.

Check out the other fabulous "At a distance" photos at I Heart Faces

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daddy's are the best

they teach you how to play ball.