This bit of picture sharing is way overdue.
very sorry.
Heather and I slept in the gorgeous playroom
Packed seeds in adorable little pouches
sunday afternoon before the dedication.
341 balloons were passed out and released
Each one representing the number of days
of precious Cora's too short life.
Cupcakes and icepops were passed out
And everyone got to spend some time
chatting and hanging out on the playground.
The playground turned out to be more than
I think anyone could have ever dreamed.
And the sign.... so amazing.
The dedication was so bittersweet.
Perfect. &
Baby Janey all dressed her Cora dress
for dinner at Jess's Mom's house.
These ladies are amazing.
Jess and her family and the strongest, sweetest most welcoming people
I've met in my life.
The next day, we sadly had to leave
and head back to our own families.
But before we left Megan took us to Sugar Sisters
It was cute, yummy and fun to spend those last few minutes
chatting with the girls.