Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Party Time.

Beginning to get excited for Sunday,
Kenzie's belated birthday party.

Now that I can actually breathe, 
since the moving is over....
boxes are still piled high,
but the actual pack, move,
get furniture arranged is done.

I've begun to focus on
finishing touches for the favors,
and other party details.
Last year,
I was completely overwhelmed
by the party and felt that 
I didn't really get to visit 
with family and friends
and enjoy my daughter.

So this year, the guest list 
got slashed.
I'm doing cupcakes 
NO gigantic cake
NO elaborate decor.
Just a chill hang out type gathering
Some yummy snacks
And loving on Kenzie.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I despise packing.

I hate unpacking almost as much,
but it's bearable at least.

To top off the packing fun,
I'm coming down with something.

But we're moving.
That's a good thing.
Away from our noisy noisy
apartment complex.
To a house of our own.
Where we can settle down.
Paint & remodel & make it our own.
I'm very excited for that,
so I'll get through the mundane packing part....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Two years ago today, I became a mommy,
to a beautiful baby girl.
She has blessed me immensely, and given
me the greatest job in the world.

Happy 2nd Birthday baby girl!!

Now to have cupcakes for breakfast, she'll be so excited....
and mommy will try very hard not to cry.

From her 1st birthday photo shoot...