Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dinner with the Newlyweds.

My sister and Michael got back
from their honeymoon last week,
and this past weekend they had us over 
to hang out, they made us dinner
and we all played Wii.
It was a great time
and that picture above
 is now my most favorite of all of us.
I love the feeling I get every time I've looked at.

At their wedding to end my toast to them,
I said that I was looking forward to 
sharing in the next chapter with them,
growing our families and growing old together.
This is the beautiful beginning of that shared part together...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Open again.

After being closed for several months,
so that I could focus on spending time with my family.
my shop is reopening.

A peek at the pieces being added soon:

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The church we've been visiting for some time now
is in the midst of some amazing growth 
and some big changes.
There has been an awesome series called Move.
The sermon this morning, spoke volumes to my heart.
Now it's just a matter of 'moving' and actually doing the things
I'm feeling led and called to do.

This song ended the service, it's beautiful, a new favorite.

We are your hands and feet.
We are free to change the world.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Morning Stroll.

Last week, with the 100+ degree weather
that had been plaguing Texas for weeks
We took advantage of the 'cooler' morning hours
and took a little walk down to our neighborhood park.
Lucky us, it's mere feet away from our house.

Kenzie was sad she couldn't play on the playground 
cause the sprinklers were going
but, she soon found happiness in the puddles.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Self Portrait.

There are rarely photos of just me.
I hide behind my camera.
So I took a moment this week to put myself in front of the camera.
I did my best to pretend like my husband
wasn't peeking through the blinds watching my silliness
and that neighbors who were all out mowing lawns, riding bikes and such
couldn't see me at all.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beach Fun Photo Challenge.

I heart Faces
weekly photo challenge.

I love the beach.
And lucky for me we went to several of them 
on our road trip this summer.
This one is from when we were in North Carolina
It's probably my most favorite one from our trip of
our little girl.

Check out all the other excellent entries at I Heart Faces.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bridal Portrait Day.

We'll start from the beginning 
and work up to The Big Day!

The Hair Salon.

workin it.

pretty flowers.

Her photographer is a friend that she met in high school
and attended the same college with & he's super talented.

and no I didn't just take pictures of him taking pictures all day.
I wiped on bug spray, fixed lip gloss, carried the train of the dress around...
you know all of the stuff a good Lady of Honor does. ;)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Got to Wear shades

I heart faces weekly photo challenge.
This week is Shades!

This one of my little girl back around Easter time.
When we spent the day at the arboretum.

Check out all the other great entries at I heart faces.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Great Wedding Weekend.

A fun weekend
Celebrating my sister's marriage.
The wedding was wonderful
The bride was gorgeous. 
The groom was handsome.
And at the end of the night 
we sent them off in style 
to their wonderful honeymoon to Cali.

I fell in love with this man
{calling me out to the dance floor}

over and over, all over again
this weekend.
I am a lucky girl.
He is one special guy.
Thank you babe for all that you did.
For the special things you did for Michael
and the help you gave me to make some fun things
happen for the special couple.
You rock my world! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

THE weekend is upon us.

My little sister gets married this weekend!
Months ago it felt like we had all the planning done
and the day might never arrive. 
But it's just days away... and it feels so crazy that it's here.

I am so thrilled for my sister, 
she's marrying a great guy,
she's going to be a GORGEOUS bride,
and the day is going to be just perfect for them.
And it's going to be super emotional for me.
Don't worry though,
I've got plenty of tissues packed 
in this 'wedding day kit' bag:

{there's 3 more packages of tissue in the 'hidden' pocket}

I'm finishing up last minute things that I can't quite share yet.
But these are the invites I made for the 
bachelorette party this Friday:

And the invites I did for my sister
for the 'thank you for being my bridesmaid' pampering party:

Oh, and Kenzie is the flower girl
(which is going to make me cry EVEN more..gah.)
so she did some practicing this past week
at Oma's house... with ripped up pieces of paper.

And now... it's back to my 'to do list'.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!