Monday, December 5, 2011

Colby's Birth Story

I spent lots of time thinking about the type of birth experience 
I hoped to have this time around.
I didn't know whether I wanted an epidural or not
with Kenzie it started wearing off right before pushing.
I knew I didn't want to be induced unless necessary.
And I hoped I could labor at home for awhile and spend just a couple hours 
actually laboring at the hospital.
I had lots of things i didn't and did want in my birth plan, 
but knew to be ready for the plan to not go my way.

Well, at my 40 week appointment (I was 40 weeks 1 day)
 I was still at a 3 where I had sat at 2 weeks already.
I joked that I was an elephant and would be pregnant still in 2012.
We had already made an appointment for an induction at the end of that week ( 11/11/11)
but I discussed it with my doctor and we decided we were both comfortable canceling it and seeing if he'd come on his own before 42 weeks.
I headed home assuming I'd probably have to get induced at 42 weeks.
I finished up my birth plan that evening but didn't print it out because
I thought I had plenty of time.

How very wrong I was...

At 2:45 am my labor began, but at the time I was unaware it was labor.
(remember I had not gone into labor on my own before)
Around 5 am or so I realized that this had to be it, that I really was in labor.
But I felt like I couldn't leave my bathroom.
We got in the car around 5:45 or so.
The hospital is roughly 25 minutes away.
There was already some early morning traffic
and it was a not so fun ride.
Kenzie was in the back seat and 
I tried very very hard to control how I was laboring in front of her.
We arrived at the hospital sometime after 6
got into our room and was checked pretty much immediately.
I was fully dilated and my water had not yet broke.
They took McKenzie to the nurses station and she colored until Colby arrived.
I worked through a few contractions as they very quickly tried to get everything ready.
No time for drugs or anything. 
(I had started to think I might try for an epidural if I couldn't handle the contractions anymore... 
so much for that.)
My water broke while pushing and after about 15 minutes
Colby made his debut!!

There had been Meconium in the amniotic fluid
so he had to be checked over quickly instead
of being able to be put on my chest immediately 
but his health was number 1 priority our bonding time could wait.
And I did eventually get my mama/son bonding and feeding time.

After awhile big sister came back in 
and she was beyond thrilled.
Baby! Baby! 
is what I heard when she first came in.
Then, "Colby's here!"

And then when she climbed up in bed with me
she said, "Mama he's not in your tummy anymore!"
She loved him instantly and didn't want to stop loving on him,
and still almost 4 weeks later, can't keep her hands off of him & wants to hold him nonstop.
so so happy that she adores him.
but sometimes her loving is a bit overwhelming.

Proud Daddy.  He was truly amazing during labor and afterwards.
There aren't words to describe what he meant to me that day.

She loves him so much.

One of the fantastic nurses I had during my stay showed me how to tuck blankets around he and I so that we could bond and sleep and he wouldn't slip off me.  It was so special, some of the best moments I had with him while in the hospital. perfect.

We fell in love with him instantly.
And he's been such a perfect addition.
I love having a son.
And all my fears about having a boy and not knowing what to do
have disappeared.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bust a Gut!

Check out the other entires at 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Time flies so fast.

Time is already flying by too fast.
I can't believe he's here & has been for more than a week,
but I can't imagine life without him either. crazy.

I have kids. Plural. KIDS. 
I'm feeling so blessed, and my heart is so full.
Love these 2 more than words can say.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy babies.

Love all the smiles in our new family of 4.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

He's here!
Mr. Colby Parker
November 9th 2011
6:41 am
6lbs 15 oz.  
22 inches long

 We're so in love & Big Sister can't get enough of him!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Just shy of 40 weeks.

Tomorrow is my due date.
Today we went out to First Mondays in Canton. 
My very first visit.

Sporting my new headband & baby belly.
& my new coke crate in hand.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

At the Arboretum

Family Fun Day at the Arboretum.
We went last year and had a great time,
so went out again this year.
A beautiful day. A picnic. Some trick or treating
{they have people dressed up handing out candy to the kids at different spots}

Monday, October 31, 2011

39 weeks.

Just one week until the official due date of baby boy!

Yesterday at the arboretum:
Photos by the hubby.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The 'Reading Nook'

is now complete!
    {minus the carpet replacement &
a 2nd dye bath for the chair cushion.. I need it darker}
 She picked out flowers of her own yesterday. 
It was a fun time watching her & seeing her opinions come out.

Dyed the cushion of her chair & added a cute lamp.
Her response when I showed it to her...
"Put it in the cart"

Some close ups. Old lanterns I spray painted. Sparkly fun knobs to hold the curtains back.
Full view & the book shelves.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2 Rooms...

Cause we like to procrastinate.
And we ran into a few issues when we started Kenzie's room 
after moving in almost 2 years ago.
We are now not only putting together a 'nursery' 
but also trying to put together a 'big girl' room for Miss McKenzie.
It was a slow search for furniture for both rooms...
Craigslist takes time. lots of it.
We still need to replace the carpet... cause it has issues. Dirty Dirty issues.
And then finish up the furniture pieces.
But we've been working on as many things as we can 
that won't require bringing in heavy pieces of furniture
just to move them back out for carpet replacement.

What I worked on today in Kenzie's room:

This is in her reading nook.
There are shelves on the other side with books
and once I add a few more things in this little corner, I'll grab a full view shot.

And this is baby boy's reading nook:
After having my mom help me do the curtains for the closet
I decided to tackle the ones for the window by myself.  
I'm pretty proud of myself, and I'm sure it took me way too long, 
but I did them and they don't look terrible
so hooray.
I need to hang some prints around the shelves &
I want to add what I'd like to call a 'little man' chair  {a leatherette kids sized arm chair}
and a floor lamp.

I love when progress is being made.
It's good.
But slow progress makes me a little anxious.

Monday, October 24, 2011

14 days remain...

(maybe a few less... or a few more.)

of it being just this little girl.
Where she has my undivided attention all day.

of just a one seat stroller.
of just the 3 of us walks.
 {photo credit: the hubby}
{photo credit: the hubby}

of it being all about her
a whole lot of the time.

I wonder how she'll do.
I wonder how I'll do.
How we will all do.
I'm nervous & excited for all the changes that are to come.
Can't believe I'm 38 weeks today.
Feels like we just found out we were pregnant...
time surely does fly.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

37 weeks

Forgot to get some shots on Monday.
But 2 days late is no biggie. At least I got them.

Thanks to hubby for these shots.

37 weeks 2 days.