Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

I used to skip breakfast.
And only have a cola in the mornings.
Breakfast is so good.
(Oh and I've had no cola since Jan. 21st... yay!!)

Kenzie telling a secret to her Uncle this weekend, 
while we were all with my parents 
celebrating my Dad's birthday a little early.

Slightly random post, I know.
Just wanted to share my favorite things this morning.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Hubby and I went out for a little just us dinner 
on Saturday and beforehand he was nice enough
to humor me with taking some pictures together.

                        And of course, the other love of my life.  The greatest gift I've been given.
My favorite 3 year old...

Hope and your loved ones have a special day :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Snow Days just keep on coming...

As I sit here it is STILL snowing outside.
Big flakes. Swirling around in the wind.
It's been snowing for the last hour and a half or so.
It's built up a lot on the roads and sidewalks,
but I'm pretty sure that at least in our area,
there won't be much to play in this time.

All this snow is crazy.
I almost feel like I don't live in Texas anymore.

These are from last week's crazy snow...

Morning of the day we got about 7in. of snow...

Next day.  So glad we went and played in the snow some more at both our parks.
because later on that day you could barely tell in some areas 
that we had even had snow.
That's Texas for you.

Kenzie felt it was a little bright.

 checking out the half frozen half flowing stream below...

listening to the woodpecker

This girl loves to swing.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow 2.

We've had 4 days of freezing temps.
In Texas, -3 with the windchill is rough.
We just aren't used to that kind of cold.

They weren't predicting anymore accumulation.
But over the late night hours and early morning.
We've had 6+ inches of snow build up on the ground.
And underneath that snow is a nice layer of ice.
I almost busted my rear end out on our driveway.

I think it's safe to say that my cactus isn't going to make it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's never too late...

to share a little about the fantastic workshop I attended in Cali.
I stayed with Julie.
Who was so kind to open her home to me,
chat with me, and even fed me breakfast the next morning.

The workshop i attended?
Put on by the FABULOUSLY talented
This woman is just ridiculously talented,
in design, in photography, in life.
She's gorgeous, has one very beautiful family
and she's totally just as sweet as you'd expect.

I soaked in all her awesomeness 
and learned so much
about photography and myself.
It was fantastic.

First a styled shoot with a sweet and beautiful family.

Isn't Kelsey stunning!?

In the late afternoon, the sun did not cooperate, 
but we had a great couple who totally rocked it for us.

 Mallory and Cody were so great.
 And I've recently found out that they just got engaged! 

 So many great deals carried out by Tonya and her talented team!

While I was in Cali, I got to make a few sight seeing stops as well.
Santa Monica Pier. 

Next up on the blog... a workshop with AshleyAnn. 
I was so spoiled in 2010!