Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Potty Training.

After some trial and failure a few months back.
We put potty training on hold.

And we are now on full swing
after getting tips from a few people
I decided to start out trying Megan's advice...

Last night it worked,
she pooped in the potty 
and tried to make it there to pee.

I was proud of her, very proud.

And today...

...naked again.

Only it's not going as well
It's just past noon 
and we've had two accidents
she didn't even try to make it to the potty
just stood there yelling "No No No"
as she peed all over the floor.

It's going to take some time, I know.
 luckily we've got new 
hardwood flooring, easily cleaned

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Hang in there! We did the naked thing too... I believe it gives the fastest results. Bonus that you have hardwood floors!!!