Monday, January 31, 2011

So much neglect.

My poor blog.
I have neglected it so much.
not on purpose
and not really because 
I don't have the time.

Just been putting my time
into other things recently, I guess.

So I wanted to pop in today
and share a few pictures that I took
of one of my very good friends the other day.

Her birthday is today.
And she is a beautiful person
both inside and out.
sweet, caring, hilarious.
Everybody needs a Shelly in their lives.

I made her take some with balloons too
but my hard drive died last night
Luckily I did a back up at the end of December.
And we should be able to recover most of january photos
from my memory cards.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Birthday Strawberries.

We got chocolate covered strawberries
instead of cake.
They were Delish! 

I loved the imprint the strawberry left on the chocolate :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Happy 3rd Birthday to my baby girl!
I can't believe you're three.
Time has flown so fast... too fast.
You are becoming such a funny, beautiful and smart little girl.

Kenzie: "I'm three!?  I'm not two anymore? 
Me: "Nope you're not two anymore"
Kenzie: "I'm three! I'm three! I'm three!"

Monday, January 17, 2011

Moments like these...

 I want to remember forever.
I love playing with and chatting it up
with my silly little girl.

This weekend we talked in bed one night,
and I asked what her favorite food was...
Her reply?

The next day she came in and said,
"Can we talk about things?"
Sure Kenzie, what things do you want to talk about?
"Everything! Just want to talk"

She's growing up way too fast.
We had her party yesterday.

She turns 3 tomorrow.
3 going on 13.
I can't take it. My heart can't take it.

But i do love seeing the person she's becoming.
That part is fun :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just because...

My hubby sent me flowers today.
just to say he loves me.

...and yes, 
after I thanked the nice lady
who delivered them to my door
and set them on the table
... I did cry.
It was just exactly what I needed today.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Snow 2011

Our First Snow in Dallas this year...

I love snow.
Its magical and beautiful.
I'd love to go somewhere and learn to snowboard.

I love when snow comes for a visit.

Kenzie does too.