Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A plethora of newness!

Royal Key Necklace:

Tulip Ring:

and one earring of a pair I'm working on. Yes, just one... I'm doing 
so much at one time, that I can't even show you a completed pair... 

My sister in law bought the vintage merlot bracelet, 
and then requested earrings and necklace to match... here are the earrings:


I finished the pair of purple earrings, but not in time to have good light to photograph them.
This necklace wasn't finished in time for great light either, but I wanted to share a preview.

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
...more next year!

1 comment:

Boggles the mind said...

uh oh. I love the earrings. I might have to get some to match my bracelet. ;)